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Discover the perfect starting point for creating wax melts with C55! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced maker, this product offers exceptional scent throw and performance. Ideal for use in wax melts and snap bars.
Indulge in the luxurious aroma of our C55 1 LB. WAX SAMPLE, made with a unique combination of premium coconut wax and food grade paraffin. Perfect for wax melts and tarts, this exclusive formula boasts exceptional scent throw and the ability to hold high levels of fragrance. Experience the rich, creamy texture and stunning color of our Caluxe Coconut Tart Wax.
- Paraben and Phthalate-free
- Sold in slab form (1lb. sample)
- Suggested FO load: 10%. / Max. 15%
- Crisp Break
- Pops out easily
- Color & Appearance: white, creamy, firm and smooth
- Melt Point: 125-135° Degrees F
- Recommended cure time: 7 days (2 wk. cure gives an even better throw)
- shipping not included
For Bulk Pricing Email: support@stayfreshwithpeanut.com
How to Use
For Best Results: Melt wax to 210-215°F, remove from heat source, add fragrance oil, stir for 30-60 seconds, pour at 165-170°F, cure 7 days. If pouring into clamshells allow wax to cool to 170°F first before pouring.
Works great in our Snap Bar Molds , Mini Semi Sphere Round Mold or our Wax Melt Containers (6 cavity or 1 oz cavity).
Pour Temperature:
- Clamshells: 170°F
- Silicone Mold: Check with your supplier
How much fragrance oil to add:
The fragrance oil weight to add to your wax is the chosen fragrance load (the percentage %) multiplied by the weight of the wax.
If you’re using C55 the maximum fragrance load is 10% but you can use 12-15%, for the higher fragrance load make sure to test per fragrance.
Here is a simple formula:
(oz of wax using) x (% of fragrance oil you want to use) = (oz of fragrance oil needed)
For example, let's say you are using two pounds of wax and want to use 10% fragrance oil.
First, you'll need to calculate the number of ounces of wax you have:
2 x 16 (number of oz in 1 pound) = 32oz
Plug these numbers into your formula:
32 x 10% = 3.2oz
You can round up to 3.5 oz for easy measuring on your scale.
Maker Notes
For lighter scents we use 15% fragrance oil, for stronger scents I use 10-12% fragrance oil.
- The wax is hard, use a straight edge soap/wax cutter to break up the pieces.
- Temp will start to quickly drop after you add the oil
- Allow wax to cool to 170°F before pouring into clamshells
- The maximum fragrance load is 10%, but you can use 12-15%.
- For the higher fragrance load make sure to test per fragrance.
- Top will be firm, smooth and have a creamy finish once set.
- Recommended cure time: 7 days (2 week cure gives an even better throw)
Always test in all applications. We do not take responsibility for our test results differing from your test results. You are responsible for your own testing.