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904 Premium Blend Para-Soy | Tarts, Votives, and Pillar Candles (FREE SHIPPING)

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Available for pickup at Houston, TX

Our specially formulated 904 premium para-soy blend is a top-quality wax that is ideal for making tarts, votives, and pillar candles. This clean-burning wax is a blend of soy and food-grade paraffin, allowing for a luxurious experience. This formula delivers incredible cold and hot throw properties and a creamy, smooth appearance.

  • Paraben and Phthalate-free
  • Sold in granular form
  • Suggested FO load: 10%. 
  • Pops out easily
  • Color & Appearance: white, creamy, firm and smooth
  • Melt Point: 125-135° Degrees F 
  • Recommended cure time: 7 days (2 wk. cure gives an even better throw)

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*We recommend ordering sample size of this product (when available) before buying a larger quantity.

Maker Notes

For best results: Heat the wax to 175-180F, ensuring thorough stirring before adding in your premium fragrance oil. Once removed from the heat source, add up to 10% fragrance oil, and stir for 60 seconds. Pour at 155-165F.

Works great in our candy clamshells, six cavity clamshells and single clamshells.

Pour Temperature: Pour at 155-165F

How much fragrance oil to add: The fragrance oil weight to add to your wax is the chosen fragrance load ((the percentage%) multiplied by the weight of the wax.

With a fragrance load of 10% - 12%, our wax ensures a strong, and lasting scent throw. Test it out with your fragrance and elevate your candle-making game. Unleash your creativity with confidence and create elegant, high-quality candles every time. 

Here is a simple formula: 

(oz. of wax using) x (% of fragrance oil you want to use)= (oz. of fragrance oil needed) For example, let's say you are using two pounds of wax and want to use 10% fragrance oil. 

2X16 (number of oz in 1 pound)=32 oz

Plug these numbers into your formula:

32x10%=3.2 oz.

You can round up to 3.5 oz. for easy measuring on your scale. 

Adjusting the amount of fragrance, you use can greatly affect the outcome of your final product. Personal application may also differ depending on the desired intensity of the scent.

  • Granular Form
  • Blend in the desired amount of candle dye and mix thoroughly for a complete dispersion.
  • Cool to the ideal temperature of 155-165F before slowly filling your chosen container.
  • We highly recommend experimenting to find your perfect pouring temperature, ensuring a flawless and luxurious finish every time.
  • For the higher fragrance load make sure to test per fragrance.
  • Top will be smooth and have a creamy finish once set.

Note: Always test fragrance in all applications. We do not take responsibility for our test results differing from your test results. You are responsible for your own testing. 

FREE Shipping
  • Ships from Houston, Texas
  • Eligible for FREE shipping up to 200 lbs. (excludes: Hawaii, Alaska, or PR)
  • We DO NOT ship to P.O. BOXES. The shipping carrier is selected by the merchant for FREE Shipping. When shipping during warmer temperatures, the wax may soften or melt slightly. This will not affect the quality of the wax.

Boomshakalaka FREE Shipping Details up to 200 lbs.

This product qualifies towards FREE Boomshakalaka shipping when added in your car. Your subtotal must exceed $149.99 and up (AFTER the discount and BEFORE shipping, any sales tax is applicable, and route shipping insurance.). NO EXCEPTIONS!

Processing time does not include shipping time

No combing orders or changes to a submitted order allowed

Note: It is very important to submit a shipping address on your order where the wax can be collected upon delivery. We advise against using an address where nobody will be at home during the day, as the carrier will leave the wax outside until it can be collected, potentially causing it to melt if left exposed to warm or extreme temperatures.